History and Regional Art are given pride of place in the hotel decor. Its name and coat of arms come from the illustrious Marechal de Toiras who defended the island against the English at the beginning of the 17th century. You can also admire many works related to regional artists like Pierre Loti or even Louis Suire. It is an invitation to come and explore the historical heart of the Ile de Re. 12/06 EBWhat is so special about the hotel is that it has managed to imbue the rooms with the history of a whole region. Each of the rooms in the hotel pays tribute to an important figure from Charente-Maritime, whether it be literary authors like Madame de Sevigne or Pierre Loti, painters like Louis Suire, Chapelain-Midy, Natter or even historic figures like Toiras of course, but also Samuel de Champlain, the Duke of Buckingham, Vauban, etc. Therefore, the interior decoration is inspired by anecdotes from the history of each of these figures, their tastes, their works, right down to the smallest detail – special fabrics, paintings, reproductions, books, ornaments, etc. What is so special about the hotel is that it has managed to imbue the rooms with the history of a whole region. Each of the rooms in the hotel pays tribute to an important figure from Charente-Maritime, whether it be literary authors like Madame de Sevigne or Pierre Loti, painters like Louis Suire, Chapelain-Midy, Natter or even historic figures like Toiras of course, but also Samuel de Champlain, the Duke of Buckingham, Vauban, etc. Therefore, the interior decoration is inspired by anecdotes from the history of each of these figures, their tastes, their works, right down to the smallest detail – special fabrics, paintings, reproductions, books, ornaments, etc. The Hotel de Toiras is exceptionally well located at the entrance to the port of Saint Martin de Re, the historical capital of the Ile de Re. There is no restaurant. The facades, typical of the old Ile de Re residences subjected to the forces of the Atlantic Ocean for nearly four centuries, make the hotel an integral part of the activities and life of this harbour town and endow it with great natural charm. You will be welcomed in a cosy reception room that resembles a private study.