For Thierry Marx- heading briskly towards the unknown has never meant losing track. His respect for tradition does not mean closing the door on future innovations. No surprise then that his dishes have become classics- such as his soya risotto or his ris de veau spaghetti. Experts or curious intrepid from across the globe are ready to travel thousands of kilometers to spend just one night in the heart of the mythical Medoc vines to savor his new creations- elegantly paired with the prestigious wines of Chateau Lynch-Bages. Cuisine like a rite of passage- complete immersion in the original and the unknown. A meditative pause to rethink the flavors which- alongside Thierry Marx- look at one another- draw nearer- figure each other out and then come together in all kinds of phantasmagorias. Just one night on planet- Marx is enough to familiarize you with an entire universe.
The property is closed for business during the year over the following dates; 20/dec/09 - 13/feb/10