Surprised miniatures, nougats and others? Between Valence and Avignon, Montelimar, to 1:30 of Lyon and Marseilles, delicieusement places of course the road of the South (N7). Wandering entertainers too! Raised, it offers to you a panoramic sight on Drome. Its 39 rooms with the simple decoration, a bit of Provence, are starting from 38 euros. From one to three beds, they can contain to 4 people. Ideal for the families and the groups! The visit of Montelimar begin with impossible to circumvent Palais from Candies and the Nougat and its shop? And, surprised, the house of the toys is inside. Find all the universe which populated your childhood. With the wire of strolls, you will be charmed by the old center and its many buildings of which the medieval castle of Adhemar and the Diane House of Poitiers. Lastly, stop you with the recalling museum of the miniature with its tables of the scenes of life of the 16th century at the days. For the unconditional ones of big spaces, the Gorges of Ardeche and Vercors are in your field of view?.