The Palais des Papas is within a few steps of this hotel in Avignon, with many other destinations and activities within walking or short commuting distance. The Mercure Pont D Avignon Hotel also provides close proximity to the key areas of importance for the working traveler, such as the Exhibition Center, the tram railways, and the financial and government districts of the city. Other frequent destinations include the National History Museum of France, Cathedral Notre Dame, Pont Du Gard Aquaduct, Episcopal Ensemble, the Avignon Bridge, and Marie Dominique Colmas. The short trip the Camargue is also very popular by tram or car. The airport is less than thirty minutes from the Mercure Pont D Avignon Hotel, and public transportation is quite frequent to this area.
Each guestroom at the Mercure Pont D Avignon Hotel is equipped with wireless Internet access and satellite television, as well as luxury appointments, views, room service, and direct-dial telephones.
The Mercure Pont D Avignon Hotel offers two dining and bar options, a swimming pool, a sauna, massage services, conference and meeting spaces, a golf course, babysitting services, and a gymnasium-style health club.