Welcome to Campanile Porte d?Orleans!
At Arcueil, on the N20, your Hotel Campanile has everything to make your stay a pleasurable one. 5 mn from Montparnasse and 20 mn from Orly airport, enjoy everything the capital and its surroundings have to offer.
Make the most of your stay at Campanile Paris Sud ? Porte d?Orleans ? Arcueil
Campanile Paris Sud ? Porte d?Orleans ? Arcueil welcomes you from 6:30 a. m. to 11:00 p. m. during the week and from 7:00 a. m. to 11:00 p. m. at the weekend.
Make yourself at home
In your air-conditioned room everything is set up to allow for your comfort, ease and efficency, if you're here on business. 81 spacious, well-lit, smoking and non-smoking rooms have been designed to offer you a relaxed stay: courtesy tray with kettle, tea, coffee and biscuits, television with Canal Satellite, a direct telephone line and WIFI access.
A room for everyone
Whether alone, with family, or with a group, Hotel Campanile has evreything you need. If you prefer a double, twin or triple room, just ask. Would you like connecting rooms, handicapped facilities? Hotel Campanile gives you the choice.
Dine at Campanile Paris Sud ? Porte d?Orleans - Arcueil
Breakfast buffet
From 6:30 a. m. to 9 a. m. , a full breakfast buffet awaits you at Hotel Campanile to help you start the day off on the right foot. Choose your own breakfast from fruit juice, hot drinks, cereal, pastry and breakfast meats.
Try the local, family-style cuisine
For lunch or dinner, Hotel Campanile de Paris Sud ? Port d?Orleans - Arcueil will satisfy all appetites with its delicious menu items, buffets and children's menu. Its pleasant restaurant is open for lunch from noon to 2 p. m. and for dinner from 7 p. m. to 10 p. m. If you arrive after 10 p. m. , you can also order room service until 10 p. m. |