Choose the Hotel Arenui for your business travel or holiday in the French Basque Country. It’s an affordable Anglet hotel near the River Adour, a short drive from the popular surfing beaches on the Bay of Biscay. The Hotel Arenui is a small hotel with 17 guest rooms, unlocked using electronic keycards. A completely non-smoking environment, the hotel has its own restaurant and bar. The private carpark, which guests can use for free, is well monitored. The hotel can provide shuttle service, subject to charges, to and from Biarritz-Anglet-Bayonne International Airport. This hotel is located on the outskirts of Anglet, approx. 6.8 km/4.2 miles north of the BAB2 shopping centre. From the Hotel Arenui it’s 4.6 km/2.9 miles to the beach called Plage de la Barre, at the mouth of the River Adour. The Chiberta Golf Course is approx. a 15-minute drive away. In the other direction is the city of Bayonne, with its Gothic cathedral, Chateau Vieux, the Musee Basque ethnographic museum, and the Musee Bonnat art museum. Anglet is approx. 54.6 km/33.9 miles from the city of Donostia-San Sebastian in Spain.