The Oasis Hotel La Manga del Mar Menor is situated only 200 meters from Mar Menor. Guests will find that the hotel is located 400 meters from the bridge along the Tomas Maestre Marina. The Mediterranean beaches are also located quite nearby. The Oasis Hotel La Manga del Mar Menor is located near the public transit lines. Public transit offers easy access to local attractions, while taxi cabs and shuttle services offer travelers easy access to the nearby Alicante Airport.
All of the guestrooms at the Oasis Hotel La Manga del Mar Menor are well equipped and offer separate living rooms. Each room also offers a well equipped kitchen as well as a bedroom. Private bathrooms are offered in all guest apartments.
Guests of the Oasis Hotel La Manga del Mar Menor will discover plenty of shopping and dining throughout the area. The hotel offers an onsite restaurant as well as a supermarket. There is a pool located onsite as well as a tennis court, and the nearby marina offers a number of shops and bars.