The Servigroup Nereo is located only 250 meters from Levante Beach, near the Rincon de Loix shopping area. Guests will find many amenities and attractions nearby, from miniature golf to several full golf courses. Points of interest are within easy reach thanks to the city's large public transit network. The Servigroup Nereo is located approximately 60 kilometers from the El Altet Airport, which can easily be accessed via the city's public transit system. Public transportation can also escort guests to points of interest throughout the city.
The guestrooms at the Servigroup Nereo offer travelers such amenities as climate controls, safes, telephones, full bathrooms, terraces, electronic locks, and satellite television. Rooms are spacious and comfortable and have recently been redecorated.
The Servigroup Nereo offers guests such amenities as a bar, a restaurant, a pool, sunbeds, and an entertainment terrace. The hotel also offers free dance lessons by professional dancers at the New Servigroup Dance Academy.