.The hotel has 45 well equipped rooms with airco and mini bar, swimming pool. We have 3 restaurants: the main restaurant, with local and international kitchen; the Chinese restaurant and Grill restaurant near the swimming pool. Bedouin tent in the garden. The convenient location of Karnak Hotel gives travelers easy access to all notable attractions of the city. Whether it's shopping or sightseeing. At the Travel desk, you can get all useful information and tips for planning your trips. Our hotel is situated in the village of Karnak, at the main road, only at a few minutes from the magnificent temple. One of the nearest hotel to Luxor Airport. Our hotel is a peaceful heaven, well located to explore the wonders of ancient EgyptLuxor, ancient Thebes, is nearby. Website: www.karnakhotel-luxor.com mail: info@karnakhotel-luxor.com reservation@karnakhotel-luxor.com