Discover the Hotel Sheherazade,nestling in the friendly Nile-side village of Al Gezira. The hotel is located just five minutes across the Nile from Luxor on the ferry or a motor boat. Luxor airport is just 30-minutes away; a scenic journey through rural farming villages. Ideally located far from crowds and noise, it is an oasis of calm in a green and shady garden. The buildings are in the style of Hassan Fathy and reflect the designs evoked in The Book of a Thousand and One Nights. Sheherazade is the name of the beautiful storyteller from the same book. Inspired by this architect,The design of the hotel reflects the flavours of a traditional Islamic style whilst offering all modern amenities. Our beautuful extensive gardens, with the trees lit up with fairlylights at night, offer beautiful views of Luxor Temple on the opposite bank.