The adventurous and wild nature of Ecuador in a paradise-like environment are the main traits of Septimo Paraiso in Mindo, Ecuador. This eco-friendly hotel, approx. 30 minutes away from Quito and 2 km away from Mindo, is the ideal accommodation for travelers who want to admire the beauty of the uncontaminated nature of Ecuador. The Cloud Forest Reserve at the Septimo Paraiso is one of the main reasons to stay at this amazing accommodation. The Septimo Paraiso is a rural and comfortable accommodation ideal for those who love extreme sports in Ecuador, like rafting, kayaking and mountain bike. Birdwatching is another activity that attracts guests looking to spend a few days in this amazing place. The Septimo Paraiso is like heaven on earth with a wild nature uncontaminated by progress and technology. The accommodation also offers a swimming pool, jacuzzi and a small gym.