Gjerrild Kro has recently been renovated so that it now has 18 modern rooms all of which with bath- toilet and TV. In most of the rooms there is the possibility of putting up an extra bed. A mini holiday or a weekend stay give you the possibility of experiencing the castles- the manors and the many other sights in Djursland- Randers and Aarhus. The inn has a stable for your horse and you can borrow a bicycle free of charge. Within a radius of half an hours drive there are as many as 7 golf courses. The cosy inn is also suited for small meetings or courses where getting to know each other is an important part of the arrangement. Gjerrild Kro is situated on the top of Djursland approximately halfway between Grenaa and the harbour Boennerup Havn at the Kattegat coast. The inn is a royally licensed inn dating from 1843. Gjerrild is a cosy village which has developed around the castle Sostrup Slot with a church and an inn. It is known for certain that the castles history can be traced back to 1388 and the main building was erected approximately around 1600. Gjerrild Kro is a place you simply must visit if you are a hiker- an angler or a swimming or golf enthusiast - or if you simply are on the lookout for peace and tranquillity in a beautiful nature. There is 5-10 minutes walk to the child-friendly Kattegat beach and also for the children the inn has a nice playground. In the restaurant the menu comprises the innkeepers specialities e.g. escargots and smoked salmon with asparagus and for lunch hash and omelette with bacon. Gjerrild Kro is owned by Hilding Hvid and he expresses himself in this way - The times are changing but this does not alter the fact that running an inn in a little village on the top of Djursland will always be a life style. I and my family have now run the inn for more than 40 years and we must somehow have succeeded for no matter the whims of the times many guests return to Gjerrild Kro over and over again.