The Gasteresidenz PelikanViertel is located in the List district. This accommodation in Hannover offers travelers easy access to many nearby attractions. There are museums as well as many other points of interest located within easy reach of the property. The Gasteresidenz PelikanViertel is situated only a few minutes away from the main tram station. The local trams offer guests easy access to Hannover points of interest and attractions as well as to the airport and the nearby main train station.
All of the guestrooms at the Gasteresidenz PelikanViertel offer a kitchen. Each room is fully furnished and offers a private bathroom as well as a laundry area. Direct dial phones, cable television, and wireless Internet access can be found in all guestrooms.
Guests of the Gasteresidenz PelikanViertel will find restaurants, shops, and bars nearby. The hotel offers an onsite bar as well as a shopping service. There is a fitness center across the street that offers discounted rates for guests.