The Hotel Lennhof Dortmund is conveniently located in the city, near restaurants, shops and other Dortmund hotels. Near the hotel property, guests will be able to visit such well known attractions as the concert hall, football stadium, zoo, Brewery Museum and Westphalen Park along with numerous galleries, museums and theaters. Dortmund airport is located just a short drive from the Hotel Lennhof Dortmund. Guests will be able to easily access the hotel property through the wide array of public transportation in the area along with the network of local motorways. In addition, car rental services are available in the city as well.
Each of the guestrooms at the Hotel Lennhof Dortmund includes all of the standard amenities that one would expect in a modern bed and breakfast facility.
The Hotel Lennhof Dortmund was originally built in 1828 and has since been lovingly restored and modernized. Guests of the hotel will be able to enjoy an array of amenities, including air conditioning.