Being the only hotel in this region, our Hotel Drei Konig offers you all the amenities you would need to feel at home. Leisure tourists and business travellers both choose our property for a pleasant stay. Due to the central location in the wonderful town centre you can reach all important facilities of everyday life within a few seconds. All our apartments are designed in a classic country house style and invite you to relax. We have the suitable room for your accommodation, be it for you alone or your family. All apartments feature spacious kitchenettes and sufficient crockery, as well as a bathroom, shower, toilet, TV and a telephone. Relax in our sauna after a stressful business day or an eventful day trip. Here you can let the day fade away. We also invite you to visit our private video store offering you a wide range of English and German films. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .