The Hotel Grand Cesky Krumlov is one of the ideal hotels in Cesky Krumlov for business and leisure travelers. The hotel is well placed in the main square of the city. Guests will find themselves near the Old Town area as well as the Castle and the Church of St. Vitus. The Hotel Grand Cesky Krumlov is located approximately five hours from Prague airport by train or three hours away by shuttle or taxi. Most attractions are best reached on foot.
Each of the guestrooms at the Hotel Grand Cesky Krumlov is designed for comfort and modern living. All rooms offer an array of luxury amenities for guests to enjoy. Every room includes a private bathroom.
The guests of the Hotel Grand Cesky Krumlov will find that the city offers a unique selection of restaurants and shops. The hotel offers an onsite restaurant as well as a bar for travelers to enjoy. Other amenities include a currency exchange and a 24 hour reception area as well as a safe.