The Pension Edison Brno is situated in the northern part of the city. This Brno accommodation offers travelers easy access to the technology park. The sports center of the VUT Brno and other attractions are also within easy reach. The Pension Edison Brno is located near the E461 motorway. The hotel is also located along the city’s public bus route, offering travelers easy access to the Brno airport as well as to the many attractions and points of interest located throughout the city.
Each of the guestrooms at the Pension Edison Brno includes a private balcony. The rooms include wireless Internet access as well as LCD televisions. All rooms also offer private bathrooms.
Guests of the Pension Edison Brno will find that the area offers many restaurants and shops in close proximity. The hotel also offers a complimentary breakfast buffet as well as lunch and dinner on order. The hotel offers enclosed parking as well.