The location of the Minnan International Hotel proves to be a convenient spot for the guest, whatever the reason for the visit. Many local services and high travel areas are around town, in easy transportation spots. A popular destination nearby is the Zhangjiajie Scenic Area, a place for relaxation and picture taking. The airport and railway station are a 10 minute drive from the Minnan International Hotel.
The Minnan International Hotel is rated a 4 star spot to stay. There are 152 rooms and each can be upgraded to a luxurious suite. Standard functions of the rooms include satellite TV and Internet access.
The Minnan International Hotel combines amenities and facilities to suit a number of business and recreational needs. There are 2 meeting rooms on hand. The rooms are furnished with a projector and wide range broadcasting equipment. To meet the hunger pains, a guest can visit the on site restaurants. The Chinese restaurant features a master chef cooking up a variety of traditional and exotic dishes. The Western flavored dining hall serves a menu of European delights. The hotel contains a full recreation center and spa, and massage services are available as well.