The Sofitel Suofeite Hotel offers convenient access to many of the shopping and entertainment hubs of Yiwu, China. The hotel property provides an ideal stay when in town to visit the largest scale commercial zone of the area. The Sofitel Suofeite Hotel is located in close proximity to the regional airport and the railway station is also nearby.
The Sofitel Suofeite Hotel offers many service amenities in their fully air conditioned rooms. Cleaning and wake up service is provided on a daily basis.
The Sofitel Suofeite Hotel is located within the Chouzhou Bei Lu district. Various shopping options are available as this is the largest international commercial and trade center in Asia. The Sofitel Suofeite Hotel offers many elegantly decorated guest rooms spread out over many stories. Recent additions make the hotel one of the many new excursions to visit in Yiwu. Room styles vary between traditional designs as well as modern décor. Communication is a high priority and international telephone service is available as well as Internet access.