Located close to the travel hubs of Yiwu, the Budgetel Huadu Hotel is an ideal getaway for business travelers as well as sightseers on their way to visit the local attractions. Entertainment and shopping options can be found with a short walk to nearby districts. The Yiwu airport is located in close proximity to the Budgetel Huadu Hotel, as is access to the local railway and bus stations.
There are guest rooms spread among the following classes: normal standard, deluxe single, deluxe standard, business suite, and deluxe suite. All rooms come fully furnished and air conditioned. Standard items in every room at the Budgetel Huadu Hotel include a TV, radio and safe deposit box.
A highly rated inn, the Budgetel Huadu Hotel provides viable options for business or pleasure. A conference room and meeting suites are available with Internet access. A nightclub, entertainment center, sauna and gym provide activities to partake in on free time. An in house restaurant is another convenient perk.