The DongYuan Hotel is located in the scenic coastal area of Yantai. The hotel is situated near the sea and several mountain parks. Xi Paotai Park is just a short distance from the hotel. The hotel is also located close to the Yantai commercial center, and the Tantai TV station. Because the DongYuan Hotel is conveniently located in Yantai, the airport is easily accessible. You can also arrive via automobile, train, bus, or boat.
There is a wide variety of accommodations available at the DongYuan Hotel, including standard rooms, single rooms and suites. Every guestroom in the hotel has free Internet service.
This hotel offers the best of both worlds, city and nature. The DongYuan Hotel is oriented toward both business travelers and vacationers. There are a total of 120 guestrooms, each designed with comfort in mind. There are several conference rooms, and most are equipped with conference equipment, video phones, AOL video, and offer simultaneous interpretation. Twenty-two private dining rooms serve several types of Chinese cuisine, including Shandong, Huaiyang, Guanfu, Sichuan, and Tanjia. There are also two twenty-four hour eating areas and a large banquet hall to meet the needs of family or business events.