This Xi’an hotel can be found near the city’s West Gate, around the corner of Sajinqiao and Liantu Roads. The center of Xi’an can be reached on foot in 10 minutes, putting guests of the Grand New World Hotel within walking distance of some of the city’s attractions. Xi’an’s ancient city wall, the Wild Goose Pagoda, the Islamic mosque, and the local people’s market are just a few of the locations guests may wish to visit. A facility is available on-site for anyone that wishes to rent a bicycle in order to travel around the city. The airport is approximately 28 miles away from the Grand New World Hotel.
The Grand New World Hotel’s 476 guestrooms are comfortably furnished and allow guests to enjoy spectacular views of the city.
The hotel’s on-site restaurant provides a relaxing atmosphere in which travelers can enjoy a selection of home-style cooking. A daily buffet breakfast as well as a wide range of a la carte items can be found in the café. Four-function rooms are available should anyone wish to hold a seminar or banquet in the Grand New World Hotel.