This Xiamen hotel is found right around the Jinbang Park's West Gate area. The Ru Shi Hotel is just five minutes away from popular tourist spots like the Xiamen Arboretum, the Huxiyan Temple and the South Putuo Temple. It is about ten minutes away from the well known Strange Slope. This hotel is found at 35, Wenping Road #361004 in Xiamen, China. The Ru Shi Hotel is just one kilometer away from the railway station. The hotel is just 15 minutes away from the airport.
Guests can expect modern amenities at the Ru Shi Hotel and in their rooms, such as quality bedding, broadband Internet services, international TV sets, clean water and mountain views. Rooms also come with tea sets and tea service spots. In addition, guests can read about Buddhism and Sinology while they unwind at night.
This hotel is associated with Zen culture. The Ru Shi Hotel does offer lectures on Buddhist and Sinology philosophy. Decorations are very elegant and appropriate for this type of hotel.