The hotel is located in No. 2558 Chang Yang road, 8 miles away from the Bond, 10 miles from the Shanghai Train Station, 25 miles from the Hong Qiao International Airport, 40 miles away from Pu Dong International Airport. There are many public transportation around the hotel. It is very convenience to travel around. There are 233 rooms in hotel, elegant and comfortable rooms are provided for customers and there is also free Internet online service, especially for business room. The conference rooms supply different equipments for all kinds of meeting and negotiation. Based on Jin Jiang Shanghai custom food, Guangdong custom and Sichuan custom. The hotel does not only supply Chinese food but also Western food. Lobby bar are graceful and elegant. It is a great place for negotiation and chatting. Dinning rooms are luxury renovation. The management team of Shanghai Paradise Hotel is under the management construction of Jin Jiang International Hotel.