At Valparaiso in the second half of the nineteenth century, it was a port shopping, vibrant and cosmopolitan, it traces the history of the house Av Germany 4966, in the C º Alegre, former rectory of the Mackay School, the which has become the Sutherland House Hotel, newly opened December 6. The hotel has 9 rooms all comfortable and bright, with views of the city and the bay, spread over 3 floors. Al Valparaiso de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, que era un puerto comercial, pujante y cosmopolita, se remonta la historia de la casa de la Av. Alemania 4966, en el Cº Alegre, antigua rectoria del Colegio Mackay, la cual se ha transformado en el Hotel Sutherland House, inaugurado el recien pasado 6 de diciembre. El hotel cuenta con 9 habitaciones: todas comodas y luminosas, con vista a la ciudad y la bahia, distribuidas en 3 pisos. This description is based on information provided by the hotel.