The Metropole Swiss Quality Bern Hotel is located right in the center of Berne. Guests will find themselves near Kaefigturn and Waisenhausplatz. The hotel also offers easy access to the city’s Old Town district, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Metropole Swiss Quality Bern Hotel offers travelers a destination along the city’s metro lines. The hotel is located near the rail station, and public transit offers easy access to the airport as well as to Berne attractions.
Each of the guestrooms at the Metropole Swiss Quality Bern Hotel is equipped with comforts and amenities. Guests will find that all rooms are magnificently furnished and offer modern furniture and décor. Each room also offers a private en suite bathroom for guest comfort.
Guests of the Metropole Swiss Quality Bern Hotel will find that the area offers a number of restaurants and shops. The hotel also offers a relaxing lobby for guests to use. Onsite amenities include a dedicated and attentive staff and Internet access and guests can use the gym at the hotel’s sister property.