The Hotel Bern is located of Berne. Travelers will find themselves near all of the major attractions that the city has to offer. The French Church and the Clock Tower are both located quite nearby. The Hotel Bern is located on the city’s public bus and tram lines. These transit methods offer guests easy access to the many points of interest and attractions located throughout the city.
Each of the guestrooms at the Hotel Bern offers numerous amenities. Travelers will find that each room offers beautiful bedding and drapes as well as a minimalist décor. All rooms include tea and coffee makers, Internet access, satellite television, refrigerators, and direct dial telephones. Each room also includes a safe, complimentary water, and a private en-suite bathroom.
Guests of the Hotel Bern will find many restaurants and shops throughout the area. The hotel offers multiple restaurants as well as two terraces. There is a conference center available onsite as well as a breakfast buffet.