Manaus is the largest city in north brazil. the city has some ;of the most spectacular fauna in the world and offers wonderful ;places for sightseeing such as the rain forest and points of ;culture. this city is also known as one of brazil*s major ;industrial areas with more then 300 factories such as honda, ;rigesa, lg, samsung, benq, siemens, sony, gillette, jabil, ;petrobras, and saab. comfort hotel manaus is a new 2007 hotel ;located adjacent to the industrial area with easy access to ;tourist points. ; ; ; ;n1q 1 queen bed/no smoking/high-speed internet-charge ;n2t 2 twin bed/no smoking/high-speed internet-charge ; -air conditioning, rm -business center ;-clock radio/am-fm -computer hook-up ;-corridors, interior -door dead bolt ;-door lock,electronic -door peepholes ;-elevators -emerg lghts-gst rms ;-emerg lights, exits -hair dryer ;-high-speed internet -non-smoking rooms ;-parking, car,outdoor -parking,lighted area ;-phone, direct-dial -pool,outdoor ;-private bath -refrigerator, rental ;-safe deposit box -smoke detectors ;-tv, cable/satellite -video security, hall ;-voice mail ; ;