The Hotel Bologna Campos do Jordao is within a short walk from Baden Baden Beer House. This budget hotel offers value for money, just 5 minutes from Shopping Cadij. Campos do Jordao city centre is within an easy 10 minute drive from the hotel.
The Hotel Bologna Campos do Jordao offers a convenient 24 hour reception as well as a laundry service and a TV room for the guests. The hotel's garden offers peace and quiet to sit down and relax.
The Hotel Bologna Campos do Jordao features both a restaurant and a bar for the guests to relax at the end of a day. Base De Aviacao De Taubate Airport (QHP) is within a 80 minute drive from the Hotel Bologna Campos do Jordao. With complimentary private parking on site, the hotel is under 10 minutes away from places of interest such as Horto Florestal Park. Belvedere is within a 20 minute drive from the hotel. Aspen Mall is a short drive from the hotel.