"A warm Welcome" in the "Anzengruber"Hallo,it`s wintertime,watch the snow and the frost!Inside our cosy houses it is comfortably warm, outside in the woods there is a lot of snow on the fields and food-paths, our lake is covered by ice, the deer is coming down the mountains searching for food-in these days provided by the hunters. Do these pictures make you dreaming?Fun on the piste, skiing, downhill and cross country, snow-bike, snow-shoe walking, or just enjoying yourselves - there is a wide range of possibilities offered."Relaxing"- this is the secret you can find in a certain place:Let it start in the "Anzengruber", then have a swim in an indoor pool, try a sauna or a special wellness program."Anzengruber-Garni" - the other expression for relaxation, silence and the flair of St. Wolfgang. Wellness, convenience and a unique atmosphere - this is wath we wish to offer you - do not miss to accept it in order to gain a new feeling of "joie de vivre"!Visit