La Molinuca, in the heart of the Picos de Europa, is set in place of unique rugged and mountainous beauty, surrounded by indigenous hundred-year-old holm oak and chestnut woods, making it the ideal starting off point to carry out a wide range of activities. Our hotel has always been a place to stop and stay for fishing enthusiasts throughout the world; its unbeatable location, on the banks of the River Cares, rich in salmon, trout and sea-trout, and the helpful advice given by the family that runs the Hotel have made La Molinuca a unique meeting place for those keen on fishing. Because of its geographical location La Molinuca Hotel is an ideal place from which to get to know the Picos de Europa National Park, with a day or half-day trip to the surrounding area, discovering the natural and cultural wealth of Asturias and Cantabria: - The Picos de Europa National Park: Covadonga and Enol Lakes, the Cares Route, the Naranjo de Bulnes, Liebana and Fuente De.- Villages of Interest to Tourists like Cabrales, Cangas de Onis, Potes and Santillana del Mar.- The Asturias Coast from Llanes and Ribadesella to Lastres or Gijon.- The Cantabria Coast : San Vicente de La Barquera, Comillas and Santander.- Prehistoric Art: Altamira, Tito Bustillo, La Loja, El Pindal, El Buxu or Puente Viesgo.- Asturias Preromanesque Art and Oviedo Cathedral.- The River Cares and its salmon.